Drip.com is overcharging you

Mark Levison
2 min readMar 1, 2021

In June 2020 Drip.com (mailing list tool — think MailChimp with excellent automations), lowered its prices without telling its existing customers. In that time I’ve paid $122-$184/mth to maintain a mailing list that grew from 4K -> 5.5K customers.

As you can see the pricing on their site now says:

So during this time I should have paid from $79 -> $99 a mth.

In addition since Drip charges in US$ and my business earns money in Canadian$ their overcharging has hurt me in currency exchange. My rough estimate is that Drip overcharged me $US800.

If you contact support and yell enough, it took 3 days in my case they will talk about COVID support and provide a partial refund/credit for 3 mths of being overcharged. $255.

At no moment have they acknowledged their mistake, my costs and my wasted time.

This is of course madness. Normally you make an effort to retain good customers and treat them well. You don’t make efforts to anger them.

Drip is a fantastic email automation tool, with good support staff. Too bad the ethics of the company don’t match.

If you’re already using Drip — check to see if you’re being over charged. Hit support: Drip Support <support@drip.com>.

Not using Drip yet? Don’t start now— look into another tool. If I weren’t already heavily invested in Drip’s automation and automated rules I would be switching.

Please share this story so that others who’re being overcharged by Drip get a small refund. It won’t make up for a year of being overcharged but a small amount is something.

